Why PM Narendra Modi cancelled the Hajj Subsidy of Muslims ? - Daily Gossips Club

Bharatvarsha or India was famous because it was the land of equality. But in Today's era this land of equality became the land of corruption.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced that from 2018 Muslims will not get Hajj Subsidy.  By doing this great job government has saved Rs.826 crores in his treasury. For the kind information of everyone  According to QURAN , Allah had told  " if you want to do Hajj yatra then come with your own capability. Don't take help of anyone. " So this action of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is in the support of QURAN.

PM has made an early announcement also for the money saved from Hajj Yatra. He told " this saved money will be used in the education of Muslim Women ". Those Muslim Women's who are living under Burkha and not getting any freedom inside an independent country , will get high class education  by the money saved from Hajj Yatra. 

But this is only announcement , we don't know that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is really going to do so or not. But we will pray for those Muslims sisters who are illiterate , May God Bless them and help them in getting education.

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