Egg for Diabetes Patient - Harmful or Helpful ?

Now a days Diabetes is the most dominant disease in the world. Around 425 million peoples are suffering from diabetes in this world.

425 Million is a big number. But this is the truth.
Today we will discuss about the role of Egg in Diabetes Patient.

Egg is one of the food which is consumed by almost everyone. Its a healthy food. It will keep you Fit and Strong. 
But what about the patients of Diabetes ?
Is it safe for them ?
That's the topic we will discuss today ?

Let's start from the basic

How much Eggs a diabetes patient should consume ?

If you are a Diabetes patient and you like to eat Eggs, then note the point that you can eat maximum of 4 Eggs in a week
Yes , not more than 4 eggs in a week. In a study of 2013 it is found that consumption of more than 4 eggs in a week increases the risk of Heart Disease in a diabetes patient. But this doesn't matter in the case of healthy person who is not suffering from Diabetes.
A Non-Diabetic patient can eat up to 20 eggs in a week.

Chances of Heart Disease or Heart Attack

Eggs are rich phosphatidylcholine (lecithin). After entering into the Human body this lecithin is converted into a compound called TMAO. This TMAO is linked with increased chances of Cardiovascular or Heart Diseases.

This is the reason that why Doctors recommend not more than 4 eggs in a week for a Diabetes Patient.

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